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Scholarships Awarded in 2011


The Wisconsin Horse Council is proud to award scholarships for continuing education to the following individuals:

VET SCHOLARSHIP of $2000.00 to Brittany Wendorf who is attending the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. Brittany is also the recipient of the $200.00 Jefferson County Draft Horse Association Scholarship.

$1000.00 WHC SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded to Elsa Ludwig who is attending the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine; Shannon Salm who will be attending the University of Minnesota; Amy Gunderson who is attending UW-River Falls; Elizabeth Anne Larson who will be attending University of Kentucky or Colorado State University and Courtney Lundeen who will be attending Iowa State University.

$500.00 WHC SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded to Alexandra Mahloch who is attending St. Mary of the Woods College; Megan Vincent who will be attending Edgewood College; Christopher Smith who will be attending Mid-State Technical College; Taylor Boardman who is attending UW-LaCrosse, and Tamara Deneys who will be attending UW-River Falls or St. Norberts College.

The Wisconsin Horse Council wishes all the students the best of luck in the future. We are proud that they will be a part of the future of the horse industry.

The following individuals were awarded WHC Scholarships in 2011. Thank you to all who applied, and congratulations to the winners!

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Announcements and Notices


The WHC Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. However, the WHC Office will close at 10 a.m. on 11/27/24, and be closed on 11/28/24 and 11/29/24 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you!

WHC Calendar of Upcoming Events

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WHC Classified Ads

Exclusively for Wisconsin Horse Council members........

We are offering FREE classified ads on our website and in the newsletter!

Legal Transportation of Horses Across State Lines

WHC would like to share this important information with you courtesy of Please click here to access this excellent article.

Attention All WHC Members

Important information for all WHC Members! Please click below to read the details.

Great News for WHC Members!

Did you know that if you are a member of the Wisconsin Horse Council (WHC), you are also eligible for the American Horse Council's (AHC) Advantage Plan?


Business Card Advertisements

Wisconsin Horse Council | P.O. Box 72 | 121 S. Ludington St. | Columbus, WI 53925
Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Phone: 920-623-0393 | E-mail: | Form login