WHC Committees
Would you like to serve on one of our committees? You don't need to be a WHC Director, just a WHC Member! The WHC could use your time and talent in its pursuit of carrying out its mission statement. Please consider serving on one of the many committees listed and described below. The name of each chairperson (if one is available) is listed under each committee. Their e-mail address is linked to their name, so simply click on their name to contact them via e-mail for more information. If a committee currently has the chairperson position listed as OPEN, simply contact our office for more information. Thank you!
If you would like to view a listing of our committee and board members, please click on the link below.
WHC COMMITTEE & BOARD MEMBERS - (PDF) - Updated: 10-17-24
Awards - Administers the Annual Awards Program for Horse Person of the Year, Judge of the Year, and WHC Director of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement or Special Recognition awards as requested by the Board. - Chairperson: Pat Stevenson
Bonus Bucks - Horse show assistance for WHC Level III Member Organizations - Chairperson:Pat Miller
Bylaws - Responsible for initiating and updating new bylaws as needed, reviewing bylaw amendment submissions, and presenting them for voting at the annual meeting. - Chairperson: Dana Sechler
Certified Judges Program - Developed in 1979 in response to recognized need in the Wisconsin horse show industry for better qualified judges for Open, All Breed, and 4-H shows. Certification requires proven judging skills and a commitment to ongoing education and evaluation. Committee plans and coordinates all aspects of the annual Certified Judges Seminar, held annually in March. Program is administered solely by WHC. - Chairperson: Dana Neary-Panella
Districts - Educates and assists the five WHC Districts in how to better serve their counties. - Chairperson: Katie Bachhuber
Legislative - Responsible for oversight and direction of professional lobbyist who provides crucial representation by actively lobbying when proposed or amended legislation would impact equine owners and businesses in Wisconsin. - Chairperson: Dana Sechler
Member Services - Recommends annual membership fee structure and application form for approval by the WHC Executive Board. Reviews and approves all new Level III memberships, presenting them to the Board of Directors. Collaborates with the WHC business office to ensure renewal notices are sent out to members early in June of each year. Collaborates with other WHC committees to identify and deliver member benefit opportunities that serve the needs of WHC membership. Examples may include group liability insurance, purchasing programs, etc. - Chairperson: Mike Kroll
Policy and Procedures - Responsible for collecting and developing a manual of Policies and Procedures for processes followed by committees, the Board, and the business office. Committee brings proposed or revised policies and procedures to the Board for approval and inclusion in the manual. Committee recommends when a proposed or revised policy should be presented for adoption as a By-Law. - Chairperson: OPEN
Public Relations - Responsible for collaborating with other committees to increase public awareness and participation in Wisconsin Horse Council. Oversees participation in trade show opportunities that are in alignment with the mission statement of WHC. Assists in the identification, development, and promotion of new programs to benefit the members of WHC. - Chairperson: Bonnie Shepherd
WSHCEF Scholarships - Responsible for selection of program recipients and oversight of scholarship program available to WHC Level I members who are majoring in equine related professions, including vets; farriers; etc. Program provides assistance by funding tuition costs. Recipients are selected annually. - Chairperson: Linda Ernsberger
Sponsorships - Responsible for review of sponsorship applications from WHC Level II or Level III organizations seeking funding assistance for project-specific costs, not including salaries or normal operating expenses. Recipients are selected bi-annually. - Chairperson: Kricket Jewett
Technology - Responsible for reviewing and recommending equipment, hardware, and software for use in the business office. Collaborates with other committees to identify new ways that technology can assist WHC in its mission statement. - Chairperson: Dana Sechler
Trails - Collaborates with other WHC committees to promote trail riding, trail advocacy, and trail etiquette. Oversees several programs, including:
- Trail Directory - has been moved to an online version – WHC now uses http://trailmeister.com/ as our exclusive provider of up to date maps and information. Downloadable maps for your ,mobile device are being added as they become available.
- Trail Grant Program - a program designed to provide matching funds to improve or create new public use equine and multi-use trails in Wisconsin. Equestrian organizations that are members of the Wisconsin Horse Council are eligible for grants. Grants are awarded annually with application deadline of February 1.
- Trail Riding/Driving Award Program - annual program that awards program participants with recognition for hours spent riding or driving on trails. - Chairperson: Floyd Finney & Kricket Jewett
Wisconsin Horse Council also sends representatives to several key equine organizations to represent the interest of WHC and its mission statement. These are:
- American Horse Council
- Recreation Best Management Practices Advisory Committee of the Governor's Council of Forestry
- State Horse Councils Advisory Committee
- Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium
- Governor's State Trails Council