WSHC Equine Foundation (WSHCEF)
The mission of the WSHCEF is to support equine priorities identified and supported by Wisconsin Equine owners and organizations.
To accomplish this mission the Foundation establishes and maintains programs that:
A. support fund raising through grants, personal donations and estate donations; and
B. distribute funds to support equine needs that were identified in donations and grants.
The WSHCEF was created to serve Wisconsin’s equine community and to help that community realize its fullest potential. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, and as such, allows individuals to make tax deductible contributions to support Wisconsin equine projects. The WSHCEF supports:
• Large Animal Emergency response and disaster assistance
• Educational Initiatives
• Equine Research
• Trail Development and Maintenance
• Scholarships
• Youth Programs
Wisconsin Horse Council is our parent organization and the sole member of the WSHC Equine Foundation. WHC Board of Directors are elected to serve on the WSHC Equine Foundation Board of Directors, along with non-WHC individuals. The current officers and members as of 7/1/24, are:
Katie Bachhuber - President
Linda Ernsberger - Vice President
Diane Sackett - Secretary
Nancy Young -
Treasurer & Volunteer Committee Member
Gail Seasor - WHC Executive Board Representative, Board Member
& Midwest Horse Fair Representative
Lori Helmer - Board Member
Jan Pieper - Board Member
Jim Harris- Board Member
Jennifer Juliuson - Board Member
Rich Ernsberger - Volunteer Committee Member
Karen Meekma - Volunteer Committee Member
Dave Kluge - Volunteer Committee Member
Roxanne Cromheecke Kluge - Volunteer Committee Member
Sharon Hookstead
- Volunteer Committee Member

Beginning in 2025, the Wisconsin State Horse Council Equine Foundation will be running the Scholarship Program that had previously been run by the Wisconsin Horse Council.
Scholarships are available in increments of $500 up to $5000 to applicants planning to or currently majoring in any equine profession, college or other training equivalent to at least four years in length or one or two school years in length, and must be specific, as non-equine majors will be eliminated.
The Scholarship Guidelines and Application are available as PDF documents below. Simply click on them, print them out, complete them and return them to the address shown on the application by 1/1/25, for review and consideration.
Thank you!
WSHCEF Scholarship Guidelines 2025 - (PDF)
WSHCEF Scholarship Application 2025 - (PDF)
WSHCEF "Winter Fun Day" 2024 Recap
“Winter Fun Day” 2024, is being called the “no snow fun day”! This year the weather cooperated, if we put a spin on it. While we always want perfect snow and perfect temps, we didn’t quite get it. At least we knew far enough in advance that we could adapt to the no snow and make plans that would allow “Winter Fun Day” 2024 to continue! Our spin went to wheels instead of runners on the bobsled and sleighs. The event has been held at the beautiful Springbrook Events near Burnett since 2019.
Wagon loads of thanks to all who came to enjoy the day for some winter fun. The people who came to see what we do, the teams of horses that pulled the wagons, all the horses/mules/minis that pulled carts, the sled dogs, the trick roper, the musician performer, the famous race horse, the vendors, face painting, the model horse show participants, and those that worked at the Sleigh Bell Cafe…..we thank you all!
Our volunteers are a small team that provides all of the organization and prep for this event, but we also have a lot of people that come and help to make the day of the event a success. Thank you to everyone who gives of their time and talents to make this a great event!
Here are some interesting stats from the 2024 event:
* the model horse show had about 50 exhibitors from 8 states this year. They bring thousands of models to show and compete for awards.
* the horses/sleighs (carts this year) come from far and near. Some from the same town of Burnett, and some from almost the northern edge of Wisconsin.
* 3 teams of BIG horses took turns pulling wagons with people around the grounds.
* we have volunteers from 5 miles to 150 miles away that come and help make this event happen.
* we have some of the best businesses that support “Winter Fun Day”, and provide many parts and pieces that contribute to a great day!
Look for our “Winter Fun Day” 2025, which is scheduled for the second Saturday in February...we hope to see you there!
WSHCEF Jan Spencer Scholarship 2019
*** Congratulations to Gabrielle Schumacher for winning the WSHCEF Jan Spencer Scholarship 2019! ***
Jan Spencer was a member of the Wisconsin Horse Council for many years and served in several officer positions including Vice President. Jan Spencer was devoted to the equine industry for many years and was an advocate for education. Jan passed away in 2015 and in her memory, the Jan Spencer Scholarship has been established for non-traditional students.
One scholarship is available in the amount of $1,500 to a non-traditional student.